Did you know that a healthy glow gives you the appearance of youthfulness, of freshness, of purity, of energy, of joy, of attractiveness, of ‘can do’, of motivation? The list of positive association on a simple glow on your face is endless! These attributes are projected on you, on your personality, on what you can achieve in live, in your job, in relationships. A glowing skin will open doors for you.
At MOTHR EARTH PROOF® - organic skincare ritual - we love to give you that beautiful glowing skin with our 4 step high performance ritual. But let’s look further into some ancient knowledge, before I explain how you get that beautiful GLOW.
The facial skin, the color, the glow, the amount of blood circulation in your facial skin was and is seen as an expression of your spiritedness and your heart. Your heart in the sense of your liveliness, your youth, your motivation, your passion, your focus.
For example we use blush, to give the impression that we are healthy. We use lipstick to show that our lips have enough blood. Which means our digestive system is healthy, that we are full of energy, that we are alive, and fertile. Fertile in every way, physically and in our minds. We are receptive. Open for new possibilities.
How would it be, if your skin would start glowing from now on? All these attributes might also be projected on you too: successful, healthy, energetic, radiant. You are communicating that you are healthy and CAN DO.
Did you know that if an employer can choose between someone with a glowing skin and a non glowing skin, he/she/they choose unconsciously the person with the glowing healthy radiant complexion.
MOTHR EARTH PROOF® products provide you with a glowing skin. I was looking at my best friend - she is aged somewhere around her 60’s. And she uses MOTHR EARTH PROOF, now for some time and I was amazed how glowing her skin has become. She is glowing, radiant, alive, looks younger than before. Her skin was very dry and now it is moistened, nourished deeply everyday by the 4 steps.
I told her, and she replied, yes I am happy with it. I feel good with my skin now. And then she turned towards me and said but look at you yourself you are a walking promotion of your own skincare brand. And I must admit, I hear it very often. I am 54, and I have almost no wrinkles appearing, my skin is glowing, radiant, plump and full without the fine lines, hydrated to the maximum. I keep it like that with the 4 steps of MOTHR EARTH PROOF®. It is the only skincare that works for me.
I hear it a lot, in the sample reviews. For example from Ewa Panas. Her skin also starts to glow when she uses MOTHR EARTH PROOF® 4 step high performance ritual.
Here are my 3 tips:
- Drink bone broth every day, to feed your skin with natural collageen and MSM (methylsylfonylmethaan)
- Drink also 5 cups of tea made from koriander seed, cumin seed and fennel seed. Boil the seeds for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. And drink it during the day. It will clean your tissues, your colon and your skin.
- Use STEP 1 SCRUB & SHINE | facial wake-up call, STEP 2 SERUM | skin drink and STEP 3 ELIXIR | vitamin bomb every day. And if you are 30+ or have a dry skin use also STEP 4 REPAIR | for ever young as the 4th layer of our layered skincare ritual.
For sure that your skin will start GLOWING soon! Please let us know, send us pictures of your radiant glowing skin!
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